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How to sell a domain at R01 auction?

To sell domain name at R01, you will be required to

  • In R01 account manager in section "I am selling" generate Power of attorney (to be generated in the course of wizard operation, which is available at "Sell domain")
  • Notarize Power of attorney and send by post to Registrar R01. Besides, the Power of attorney can be filled-in the Registrar R01 office. A photocopy of the Seller's Certificate of Registration with the Tax Authorities (INN Certificate) shall be enclosed with the Power of attorney.
  • After the Power of attorney is obtained and verified by the Registrar, bidding start and end dates will be set up based on your domains (in this case it will be automatically registered that bidding cannot end on weekends, holidays and the next working day after them).
  • If the bidding under your domain ended, but nobody bought your domain, you have an opportunity to change lot settings (Start and Blitz prizes, duration of bidding) and auction the domain repeatedly. For repeated auctioning of the lot you will be required in section "I am selling" in column Actions click on "Auction lot again"

Some specific features of the domain names sale at R01 auction:

  • Only domain names owned by the agreement holder can be put up for sale.
  • It is possible to sell only domain names which meet the following conditions: there has been no registrant and Registrar change in 2 months' time before the auction starting moment and the date indicated in "reg-till" field of the domain name is not earlier than 1 month after the auction has ended.
  • During the auction all domain-names-related actions (except for renewal and DNS servers change) are blocked. Domains are blocked upon receipt of the Power of attorney from the Seller.
  • If no signed and certified Power of attorney is received within 2 months' period from the request generation date, the request shall be canceled.
  • Revenues received from the sale of domain names may be credited to your personal account or to your bank account. In the latter case it shall be necessary to fill-in your bank details: bank name, account, correspondent account, BIC (this can be done in "Subscriber information" section).
  • Start Price for the lot shall not be less than 1000 rubles.
  • The cost of the "Client domain names auction" service shall be 9% of the lot purchase price, but not less than 500 rubles.
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Office: 1 Bolshoy Gnezdnikovsky Lane, building 2, Moscow (Tverskaya metro station, entrance No. 9, Voznesensky business center)