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Registrant change in gTLDs

To change the Registrant of a domain name via client area, the following steps should be taken:

  • The current Registrant should go through data identification.
  • The gaining Registrant should enter into a direct agreement with Registrar R01 if there isn't any.
  • The new Registrant should create a contact for a gTLD domain. If the contact is not created, the Registrant needs to click on nic-hdl as an active link in the "Domain registrants" section and select "Contacts for gTLD domains" -> "Add contact" in the "Tools" block.
  • Log in to client area using Registrant's nic-hdl of ***-R01 type (***-ORG-R01). Nic-hdl can be found in R01 client area in the "Domain registrants" section. If the domains being transferred are located in the main Registrant's client area (default nic-hdl), you can log in to it using login.
  • Go to the "Domains in gTLDs and non-Russian ccTLDs" section and select "Registrant change" -> "New application" in the "Tools" block.
  • Select the domains, enter nic-hdl of a new Registrant, specify the payer, and submit an application.
  • The losing and gaining registrants should confirm Registrant change by following the instructions given in letters for Registrant change confirmation. Letters will be sent to the e-mail address indicated in the Registrant's details (nic-hdl) in the "E-mail address for gTLD domains" field.
  • The payer has to log in to client area using a subscriber login, go to the "Registrant change" section, select the application, click on "Details" and confirm the service payment. The payment confirmation letter will be sent to the e-mail address indicated in the Subscriber's details in the "E-mail address for notifications" field.
  • Wait until task processing has been completed in the queue. The domain name will be available in the gaining Registrant's client area.

For domain names registered with and Domaincontext, confirmation letters on Registrant change will be sent after payment confirmation.

Once a gTLD domain name is transferred to another agreement within R01 system, Registrar change cannot be made during 60 calendar days.

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Office: 1 Bolshoy Gnezdnikovsky Lane, building 2, Moscow (Tverskaya metro station, entrance No. 9, Voznesensky business center)