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Domain life cycle.RU, .SU and .РФ domain names are registered for 1-year period. The domain name renewal is not possible earlier than 60 days before the date indicated in Whois as "reg-till" (or "paid-till"), i.e. the date which the domain name has been paid for. When "reg-till" date comes the domain name is undelegated and becomes available for renewal by the owner by "free-date" — the date when the domain name is released (Exception: domain names are not deleted on weekends, holidays and the next working day after them). |
Copyright © 2000-2025 Registrar R01 |
Information: info@r01.ru
Support: support@r01.ru Office: 1 Bolshoy Gnezdnikovsky Lane, building 2, Moscow (Tverskaya metro station, entrance No. 9, Voznesensky business center) |