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Domain name transfer to the direct agreement with Registrar R01

The previously registered domain name can be transferred to the direct agreement with the Registrar. If you don't have a direct agreement yet, you need to sign such agreement.

In this case, the domain name owner has the opportunity to:

  1. Fully manage the domain name, i.e. he may select any hosting service provider without any complications in relation to the domain name transfer
  2. Independently renew his domain name registration term via R01 account manager
  3. Register domain names in more than 20 TLDs

The following documents shall be provided to transfer a domain name to your direct Agreement with the Registrar:

For a legal entity:

  1. Letter on domain name transfer to your direct Agreement;
  2. State Registration Certificate (OGRN).

For an individual:

  1. Letter on transfer a domain name to your direct Agreement;
  2. Copy of passport (pages with the person's name, information on the body which issued the document and stamp on permanent registration. If your domain name has been registered using the details of previous passport — pages with a stamp on previously issued document).

For a sole trader:

  1. Letter on domain name transfer to your direct Agreement;
  2. Copy of passport (pages with the person's name, information on the body which issued the document and stamp on permanent registration. If your domain name has been registered using the details of previous passport — pages with a stamp on previously issued document).

First, the documents shall be sent by fax (495) 930-88-00, or the scanned copies of these documents — to the e-mail address

The original letter shall be sent by ordinary mail to the following address:
JSC "Registrar R01", 123308, Moscow, P.O. Box 99.

Copyright © 2000-2025 Registrar R01
Office: 1 Bolshoy Gnezdnikovsky Lane, building 2, Moscow (Tverskaya metro station, entrance No. 9, Voznesensky business center)