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Transferring .RU, .ÐÔ domains from another Registrar to Registrar R01

If you transfer a domain name to a direct agreement with R01, you should:

  1. Apply to the current Registrar for the AuthInfo code (transfer code)* for your domain name.
  2. Enter into a direct agreement with Registrar R01 if you don't have any.
  3. Log in to R01 personal account using your agreement number as a login.
  4. Top up your balance by the amount sufficient to pay for the Registrar Change service for .RU/.ÐÔ second level domain names. The Registrar Change fee is specified inthe pricing list in the Domain Transfer field.
  5. Submit for the domain name transfer to Registrar R01 in the Domains section → Transferring .RU/.ÐÔ domain names from another registrar → Submit an application for domain transfer from another registrar.

    You should specify the domain name and valid AuthInfo code for it.

    Attention! Applications are accepted no later than 7 (seven) calendar days prior to the domain expiration date.

  6. Choose and specify one of the means of domain transfer confirmation by the Registrant in the application:
    • in writing,
    • by email,
    • by SMS.
  7. If you choose confirmation in writing, the Registrant should provide Registrar R01 with a written application.
  8. If you choose confirmation by email or SMS, within 3 business days a key will be sent to the Registrant's email address or telephone number specified in the registry by the current registrar. You should enter the key to confirm the application by clicking on the link sent to Registrant's email address.
  9. Upon the receipt of an automatic request to confirm the domain transfer, the Registrant should click on the corresponding link and enter the key.
    Attention! You should confirm the domain name transfer within 5 calendar days.
  10. R01 will initiate the registrar change in the registry. In the event of the current registrar's request for confirmation of the initiated registrar change procedure, you can confirm it or make no reply, in which case the transfer procedure will be automatically completed within 5 calendar days.

If you are the Registrant of the domain name and transfer it to Registrar R01, you should:

  1. Apply to the current Registrar for the AuthInfo code (transfer code)* for your domain name.
  2. Make a payment to Registrar R01 for provision of the Registrar Change service for .RU/.ÐÔ second level domain names.
  3. Provide Registrar R01 with data necessary to draw up an application for the domain name acceptance:
    • domain name and its AuthInfo code,
    • means of confirmation of the domain name transfer to Registrar R01: in writing, by email or SMS.
  4. If you choose confirmation in writing, you should provide Registrar R01 with a written application.
  5. If you choose confirmation by email or SMS, upon the receipt of an automatic request to confirm the domain Registrar change, you should click on the corresponding link.
    Attention! You should confirm the domain name transfer within 5 calendar days.
  6. R01 will initiate the registrar change in the registry. In the event of the current registrar's request for confirmation of the initiated registrar change procedure, you can confirm it or make no reply, in which case the transfer procedure will be automatically completed within 5 calendar days.

AuthInfo code (transfer code) is used for protecting domain names against unauthorized registrar change. When changing a registrar, you should provide the AuthInfo code to the registrar to which the domain name is transferred. If there is no transfer code or the transfer code is invalid, the registry will reject the domain transfer request made by the new registrar.
The AuthInfo code is valid within 20 calendar days.

It becomes invalid:
  • following the domain name transfer to another registrar
  • following the domain name transfer to another registrant
In the event of the current Registrar's refusal to transfer the domain name on the grounds contemplated in the .RU, .ÐÔ Domain Registration Policy and the Schedule "On procedure governing domain name transfer between registrars."

Registrant's application to confirm the domain name transfer to Registrar R01:

To confirm the domain name transfer in writing, the Registrant should provide Registrar R01 with the following documents:

To be provided by a legal entity:

  • An application in which the Registrant confirms the domain transfer to Registrar R01 (DOC);
  • A copy of the Certificate of an Entry about the Legal Entity in Uniform State Register of Legal Entities (OGRN Certificate);

To be provided by an individual or individual entrepreneur:

  • An application in which the Registrant confirms the domain transfer to Registrar R01 (DOC);
  • A copy of the main ID (first two pages and a page containing information about the place of residence).

The application can be delivered in person to RU-CENTER's office or sent by post. You can send a copy of the application by email of fax and its original - by post.

Conditions under which Registrar change is impossible:

  • the domain registration term has expired;
  • judicial or prejudicial restraints have been imposed on the domain name;
  • the current Registrar requested additional information from the Registrant, but the latter failed to provide it within the specified timeframe;
  • less than 30 days have passed after the Registrant change;
  • less than 30 days have passed after the Registrar change.
Copyright © 2000-2025 Registrar R01
Office: 1 Bolshoy Gnezdnikovsky Lane, building 2, Moscow (Tverskaya metro station, entrance No. 9, Voznesensky business center)