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How to order the service

The service may only be ordered by the Registrant (individual), working under direct agreement with R01.

To order the service, the seller and buyer shall have a prior agreement on the terms of the transaction, price and exchange their identification details (maintainer* and nic-handle*) in R01.

Maintainer  (agreement identifier, format -MNT-R01) shall be communicated by the buyer to the seller. Maintainer is available in account manager in Desktop in "About user" block.

Nic-handle  (agreement identifier, format -R01) shall be communicated by the buyer to the seller. Nic-handle is available in account manager in "Registrants" section, this value is indicated in "Registrants" column.

Seller's actions

  1. Log in to R01 account manager.
  2. Go to "Escrow" section..
  3. Give your consent to "Service terms Escrow" (consent is required a single time).
  4. Click on "Sell domain" icon.
  5. Select domains for sale by checking them and click on "Execute" on the bottom of the table. If one domain is put for sale, you may click on "Sell domain" link, which appears by pointing to the domain on the right part of the table.
  6. Specify seller's details: maintainer* of the agreement; nic-hdl*nic-handle* of the registrant.
  7. Select money transfer option for the domains — to R01 personal account or to any bank account (specify bank name, account, correspondent account, BIC).
  8. Set domain price. Price of each domain may not be lower than 2000 rub. R01 Registrar's fee amounts to 9% of the domain name price, but not less than 1500 rub.
  9. Click on "Next" button. As a result the Power of attorney will be automatically generated that will be available in the "Escrow" section → "Your Powers of attorney".
  10. This Power of attorney should be printed out with specification of buyer's name and passport details, notarize or sign it in witness of Registrar's officers in the office. It is required to produce a passport therefore.
  11. Signed Power of attorney should be sent to Registrar R01. If Registrar within 60 days from the moment of application issuance fails to receive the original of the Power of attorney, the application will be canceled. Power of attorney may be sent to Registrar's postal address, or delivered by express mail to residence address. Upon receipt of the original Power of attorney Registrar R01 within 3 business days will process the application, then buyer may purchase the domain.

Seller's actions

Upon receipt of the notification from the Registrar by email and through the account manager about seller's intent to transfer the domain at the set price to the customer it will be required to:

  1. Log in to R01 account manager.
  2. Go to "Escrow" section.
  3. Give your consent to "Service terms Escrow" (consent is required a single time).
  4. Click on "Domains purchase" and study the domain prices.
  5. It will be required to pay the amount by issuing the bill through the account manager. Upon actual receipt of funds to the Registrar's account, the buyer will be emailed with the notification that the funds have been charged to the account.
  6. Upon charging funds to the account in account manager check domains subject to purchase and click on "Purchase" button ("Escrow" section → "Domains purchase").

All the required actions should be performed within 10 calendar days from the moment of submitting notification to the buyer's email about domains sale.

Copyright © 2000-2025 Registrar R01
Office: 1 Bolshoy Gnezdnikovsky Lane, building 2, Moscow (Tverskaya metro station, entrance No. 9, Voznesensky business center)