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FileZilla configuration

FileZilla configuration for ftp connection to hosting

FileZilla FTP client is available for download at To use FileZilla you should configure it taking the below steps with the illustrations.

Step 1. Launch FileZilla, then in the top menu click on "File", in the opened menu select "Website manager".

Step 2. In the opened window click on "New website"

Step 3. Following the instruction "FTP — files placement, files upload to the server" get and specify connection settings:
"Host" — FTP server address,
"Type of server" — FTP — File Transfer Protocol
"Type of entry" — normal
"User" — user name
"Password" — password
"Encryption" — Use plain FTP.

Step 4. Go to tab "Transfer settings", select passive transfer mode, check "Concurrent connections limit" and set "Maximum amount of connections" equal to 2. Click "Connect".

Step 5. Your computer will connect to the server, then two-panel file manager will be available for standard operation.

Important! Your website contents should be placed in folder /home/login/Your_domain/docs/.

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