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How to order new hosting?

To order new hosting you will be required to sign an agreement. For this, it would be enough to fill in the form on your website or visit our office and fill in all required documents.

Upon signing agreement you may register domains through Registrar R01 and use hosting service from our company.

To order new hosting you will be required to:

  • Log in to account manager using your agreement number as login (agreement number will be specified during form filling, as well as in information letter sent to contact e-mail after signing agreement).
  • Go to Finance section of the account manager and make sure you have enough funds to order the service. If required recharge account by any available option, for example via Paymaster or YooMoney.
  • Go to Hosting section of the account manager and accept the terms of the supplemental agreement for delivery of the "Hosting" service.
  • In Hosting section of the account manager in Tools panel select Buy hosting perform all steps of the hosting buying wizard.
  • In case of successful processing of the order the information letter containing account details for your hosting will be sent to your contact e-mail.
  • The information about your hosting account (login, plan, date of automatic disabling, address of the control panel for your hosting, etc.) will be displayed in Hosting section of R01 account manager.

If you specify domain in R01 during hosting order, delegation to DNS servers will be made automatically, and your website will be accessible on the Internet in 6-12 hours.

To configure website on R01 hosting you can use "technical domain" (which becomes available in one hour after hosting creation):

Copyright © 2000-2025 Registrar R01
Office: 1 Bolshoy Gnezdnikovsky Lane, building 2, Moscow (Tverskaya metro station, entrance No. 9, Voznesensky business center)