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WinMTR — network connections diagnostics

General information

Program WinMTR enables to:

  • show the route by which traffic is transmitted from your computer to the node in question,
  • identify the nodes with delays and data loss.

The latest program version is available at

Checking connection using WinMTR

  1. Launch the program as an administrator by right-clicking on the icon and selecting appropriate item in context menu.
  2. In main box of the program click on Options to go to program settings.

  3. In the opened window disable Resolve names.

  4. In field Host enter domain name of the checked node of its IP address
  5. Click on Start button, after 2-3 minutes of program operation click on Stop
  6. Save the program result on your PC by clicking Export TEXT

    Program report contains the below data:

    Hostname — IP address or domain name of the node. "No response from host" value may indicate blocking of ICMP packages on this node;
    Nr — order number of the node in a route;
    Loss % — percent of the lost responses from this node;
    Sent — sent requests to this node;
    Recv — obtained responses from the node;
    Best — the lowest (best) time of delay in milliseconds;
    Avrg — average time of delay;
    Worst — maximum (the worst) time of delay;
    Last — time of delay of the last obtained package.
  7. Please, send file with program report to technical support service. In a letter specify your external IP address (it is available on website
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