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Domain name list execution rules

  1. Ddomain names should be listed alphabetically;
  2. domain names should be specified without WWW;
  3. domain names should be placed on a page in several columns;
  4. a domain name shall be placed in a column in one line, no hyphenation shall be allowed; and
  5. no punctuation marks should be placed between the domain names.

Font requirements:

  1. capital letters (upper case);
  2. font size at least 12;
  3. straight font; and
  4. it is advised to use one of the following font types: Times New Roman, Arial, Courier New or Tahoma.

Each list sheet shall be testified in the way the document it is enclosed with is.

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Office: 1 Bolshoy Gnezdnikovsky Lane, building 2, Moscow (Tverskaya metro station, entrance No. 9, Voznesensky business center)