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Hosting reselling

Hosting is provided on the technical platform of Registrar R01.

Plans for direct R01 clients are provided on the website

Resellers receive discounts on all hosting plans. The table of plans is provided on the website

Your client which has ordered a hosting service should apply to you on all administrative and financial issues, while in respect of hosting operation-related technical issues it may apply to Customer Support of Registrar R01.

To enable your clients' hosting order option, you should:

  • create your own hosting plan in the section "Plan Builder" of R01 account manager. When doing so, select what pre-set technical settings will provide a basis for the plan to be created (for example, create a plan with the technical settings of the Standard plan but at the price of 195 RUB per month).
  • Add the plan created to the users' default plans (then when your new subscriber is established, it will have an automatic access to the said plan).

  • Or fix a specific subscriber in the section "Users' plans" to enable a specific existing subscriber to use services under a new hosting plan.

Copyright © 2000-2025 Registrar R01
Office: 1 Bolshoy Gnezdnikovsky Lane, building 2, Moscow (Tverskaya metro station, entrance No. 9, Voznesensky business center)