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Payment acceptance settings (ROBOXchange)

To set payment acceptance from your subscribers via the ROBOXchange system, you have to log on to the website, and your account must get an "Active" status.

You can use ROBOXchange to receive e-money payments (Webmoney, YooMoney, Moneymail RUR, RBK Money RUR, EasyPay, Single Wallet and LiqPay), as well as payments via SMS and terminals and by credit cards.

Please, note that if you specify YooMoney as the seller's currency in the ROBOXchange settings (i.e. the payments will be made to your YooMoney wallet), your clients will not be able to pay by YooMoney via ROBOXchange. Likewise, according to the Webmoney Transfer system rules, if the seller's currency IS NOT Webmoney units of any kind, ROBOXchange does not accept Webmoney units as payment.

Setting procedure:

  1. Log on to the Merchant ROBOXchange system (on website following the link "Connect now")
  2. Selects a partner program type "Merchant" on the ROBOXchange personal account
  3. Select "Administration" in the right-side menu and fill out the form according to the Table below

    Table 2. ROBOXchange settings configuration

    Setting description Value Comment
    Password #1 The same password as the one specified in R01 interface  
    Password #2 The same password as the one specified in R01 interface  
    Result URL http://<your_panel_address>/AB/robo_res.khtml  
    sending method on Result URL POST  
    Success URL http://< your_panel_address >/AB/robo_succ.khtml  
    sending method on Success URL POST  
    Fail URL http://< your_panel_address >/AB/robo_fail.khtml  
    sending method on Fail URL POST  

  4. To activate your account, contact by email technical support by specifying your login.

    To activate Merchant, you have to specify in the ROBOXchange personal account your Whois data and your website should contain information on the services you provide.
  5. Specify the following parameters in the section "Settings" of your R01 account manager:
    1. ROBOXchange login
    2. ROBOXchange password 1 (this is "Password 1" specified by you in the Merchant settings on
    3. ROBOXchange password 2 (this is "Password 2" specified by you in the Merchant settings on

    4. It is advised to set the value "Yes" in the line "Charge payments in real terms right after ROBOXchange notification is received" otherwise the payments will be charged provisionally.


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