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Payment acceptance settings (WebMoney Merchant)

You will need the following to make the settings of payment acceptance from your subscribers via the WebMoney system:

  • a RUB WMR Wallet;

  • your WMID certificate at least on par with your personal one (for more information on how to get the certificate, please, see;

  • your wallet must have an enabled feature of operation via Merchant WebMoney (it can be done on

Setting procedure

  1. Unless you have a Webmoney Wallet, establish one on the page

  2. Get your Wallet's certificate (for details, please, see go to: You will have to confirm your passport details to get a personal certificate.

  3. Log on to the Merchant Webmoney system (

    To receive payments, you will have to make the following settings there:


    Table 1

    Setting description Value Comments
    Trade name <Trade name> To be displayed when your user makes payment via Webmoney
    Secret Key <unspecified line> Unspecified line is used automatically for extra checks in course of payments. The R01 interface will have to include the line's MD5 hash.
    Result URL It is understood that that the flag "Allow using URLs transmitted in the form" should be removed
    Success URL http://<your_panel_address>/AB/ls_wm_success.khtml
    Fail URL http://<your_panel_address>/AB/ls_wm_error.khtml
    Activation method of "Success URL" and "Fail URL" POST  
    Reference signal formation method MD5  
    Transmit settings in preliminary request Yes The setting has to be enabled for a correct funds reception via Merchant Webmoney
    Send Secret Key to Result URL, if Result URL assures privacy Yes  
    Allow using URLs transmitted in the form No  
    Activity On The flag can be used for a temporary wallet funds reception stoppage.
    Test/operation modes "Test" or "Operation" modes "Test" mode is designed for testing, no real funds transfer happens. After testing switch the option over to "Operation" mode for funds reception.
    Receiving checks (VM cards) Off No automatic funds reception via Merchant Webmoney system is enabled. If you want to receive payments in the specified ways, you can enable the settings, but the payments will be automatically charged to your client's personal account. Funds charging will have to be done in the manual mode.
    Receiving payments from phones Off
    Receiving payments from Alexnet terminals Off

  4. Specify the following settings in the "Settings" section of your R01 account manager:

    1. Your WMR Wallet number

    2. Secret Key MD5 hash (Secret Key field specified in the wallet settings on

      You can generate a key md5 hash directly in the R01 interface. To do so, click on the "Calculator" icon near the field "Secret Key MD5 hash" enter the Secret Key itself and click on "Generate a hash" and then on "Insert a hash" button. The generated hash will be automatically inserted in the proper field.

    3. It is advised to set "Yes" value in the line "Charge payments in real terms right after Webmoney notification is received" otherwise the payments will be charged provisionally

  5. Test a payment in the test mode and after that switch the Merchant over to the operation mode.

Congratulations! The settings have been made. Now your clients will be able to recharge their personal accounts all by themselves. The money will be transferred automatically to your WM Wallet and charged on your client's personal account.

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Office: 1 Bolshoy Gnezdnikovsky Lane, building 2, Moscow (Tverskaya metro station, entrance No. 9, Voznesensky business center)