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Convert your certificate to pkcs12/pfx/p12 formats

You can convert the certificate yourself using the openssl utility, which is available on any Linux machine. The command looks like this:

openssl pkcs12 -export -chain -inkey certificate.key -in cert.pem -name "tomcat" -CAfile intermediate_and_root.pem -out result.pkcs12


certificate.key is the private key of the certificate,

cert.pem is the certificate in text format (PEM),

result.pkcs12 is the name of the resulting file,

intermediate_and_root.pem is the root and intermediate certificates combined in one file: Root, First intermediate certificate, Second intermediate certificate.

If you are running Windows, you must first install the certificate according to the instructions.

Then, through the MMC console and the Certificates snap-in, export it in the required format.

To do this, in the export wizard, you must tick the "export private key" box.

For export under Windows, a certificate request must be created from the MMC with the option "make the key exportable" enabled. If you create it through IIS, the key will not be exportable.

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