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Generating Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

Certificate Signing Request (CSR) is a text file containing encrypted information about a domain registrant and a public key.

CSR can be generated using one of the following options:

  1. During SSL certificate order - a CSR is generated if you've specified a domain.
  2. Independently via your web server. In this case, you need to manually fill in the information to issue your certificate.

The following fields are to be filled in with Latin characters during CSR generation on the web server:

  1. Common Name: full domain name, e.g.,
  2. Country Name: two-letter country code, e.g., RU for Russia
  3. State or Province Name: region, e.g., Moscow
  4. Locality Name: city or town
  5. Organization Name: name of a company or individual

When ordering Thawte SSL123 certificate, you may enter the details of the Registrant from the Whois service, or any other individual or entity for which a certificate is issued, in the Organization Name field.

Generating CSR on R01 hosting

Generating CSR for Apache

Generating CSR for Microsoft IIS

When creating a CSR for a Microsoft IIS web server, we recommend that you do it directly on the web server in order to avoid problems with installing an SSL certificate.

Generating CSR for Microsoft IIS 5.x/6.x

Generating CSR for Microsoft IIS 7.x

Generating CSR for Microsoft IIS 8.0

A CSR may also be generated with a private key on the server where the certificate is to be installed.

Please note! If you use a shared infrastructure of physical servers for your website and a Microsoft IIS web server, when generating a CSR and a private key you should specify that your CSR and private key need to be exportable, otherwise you will not be able to install the certificate on multiple servers and will have to reissue the certificate.

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