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R01 notification email is not delivered, neither is an email when requesting a password reset. What is the matter?

The most common reason (approximately it is true in 99% of all cases) for failure to receive an e-mail containing a link to reset the access password to your R01 personal account is email screening with your mail servers spam filter.

If spam is filtered into your mailbox special folder and you are resetting a password for accessing your personal account, look there for an email entitled "Request for R01.RU access password change" from

Try to disable spam filtering for your mailbox and repeat the password reset request once more.

It is also a possibility that you will have to ask for help your mail server administration to have the email delivered.

To reduce the chances of the said problem arising, we advise that you specify at least two contact email addresses in different domains their mail being served by different mail servers.

If the current e-mail address is unknown or unavailable, it can be changed by an official letter.

Form of the letter

For individual

  • Personal information submitted in the letter must be the same as information in R01 database.
  • The letter must be on a single page.
  • A copy of the passport or another ID document must be attached to the letter.

For organization

  • Information submitted in the letter must be the same as information in R01 database.
  • The letter must be on official letterhead of the organization, on a single page, and signed by the head of the organization (depending on the constitutional documents, it can be a director, chief executive officer, president, etc.). Such signature must be certified by the official seal of the organization, if your company has it.
  • The letter must contain date.
  • If the letter is signed by a person acting under some other document (e.g., warrant, power of attorney), the letter must feature such person’s name, title, as well as the date and number of the document approving their authorities.
        "under the power of attorney No. ______ dated ______".
    The warrant of power of attorney must state that the person is authorized to change or restore e-mail under the agreement No. _________ (or to execute any transactions and execute, change and terminate any agreements without limitations, including the price limitations).
    In this case, the letter must be signed by such authorized person. A copy of the warrant of power of attorney must be attached to the letter.

Letters from non-resident entities must have all of the following documents enclosed with them:

  • a registration certificate or an extract from the commercial/trade register;
  • a copy of the report/order on the appointment of the chief executive.

Copies of the requested documents could be submitted to R01 via:

After a change of e-mail address, you can receive the link for password change through Password reset form. In case of any doubts in authenticity of the submitted information, R01 is entitled to request additional documents.

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Office: 1 Bolshoy Gnezdnikovsky Lane, building 2, Moscow (Tverskaya metro station, entrance No. 9, Voznesensky business center)