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Domain name agreement change without Registrant changeDomain name transfer to the direct agreement with Registrar R01 If you want to transfer your domain name from one agreement to another, without Registrant or Registrar change, you can choose one of the following ways:
NB. The third one is available only for clients, who have direct agreement with Registrar R01, without Partner participation. If you want to change Registrant, please, follow to the Registrant change procedure. Domain name transfer to the direct agreement with Registrar R01If you don't have a direct agreement yet, you need to sign such agreement. In this case, the domain name owner has the opportunity to:
You can transfer any domain name sending the request to info@r01.ru from the e-mail that is specified in your account with the domain, with the following text: "Please transfer domain name [your_domain] to the agreement № [target_R01_agreement_number] nic-hdl [target_nichandle], contact name [target_contact]." If you transfer .RU, .SU, .ÐÔ domain name with such request, it is necessary to attach a copy of identification documents. Contact name is not required for these domain names. If you transfer .RU, .SU, .ÐÔ domain names, you can provide following documents instead: For a legal entity:
For an individual:
For a sole trader:
Domain name transfer to another partner agreementDomain name registered on the direct R01 agreement or on the partner agreement can be transferred to another partner agreement. You can transfer any domain name sending the request to info@r01.ru from the e-mail that is specified in your account with the domain, with the following text:
"Please transfer domain name [your_domain] to the agreement № [target_R01_agreement_number] nic-hdl [target_nichandle], contact name [target_contact]." If you transfer .RU, .SU, .ÐÔ domain name with such request, it is necessary to attach a copy of identification documents. Contact name is not required for these domain names. If you transfer .RU, .SU, .ÐÔ domain names, you can provide following documents instead: For a legal entity:
For an individual:
For a sole trader:
Letter execution rulesLetter execution rules Documents copies can be sent at first through fax +7 (495) 930-88-00, or through e-mail to info@r01.ru |
Copyright © 2000-2025 Registrar R01 |
Information: info@r01.ru
Support: support@r01.ru Office: 1 Bolshoy Gnezdnikovsky Lane, building 2, Moscow (Tverskaya metro station, entrance No. 9, Voznesensky business center) |